Are you looking for Port-A-Cool CORD-WRAP-KIT Cord Wrap Kit On Sale ?.
Port-A-Cool CORD-WRAP-KIT Cord Wrap Kit
Makes sure your Port-A-Cool evaporative cooler is properly stored during the colder months. The convenient CORD-WRAP-KIT makes storing your unit easy. It is also compatible with most Port-A-Cool swamp cooler models including: 16 filler cart, 24 variable speed, 36 single, three or variable speed and the JetStream 1600 and 2400 models and Vertical Tank models.Prevents DamageWith this accessory you don't have
see product detail Port-A-Cool CORD-WRAP-KIT Cord Wrap Kit
- Works great with most Port-A-Cool model
- Makes storing the cooler during colder months very easy
- Ensures the power cord won't be damaged from kinks and tangles
- Prevents the cord from being tripped over, rolled over or getting caught in equipment
- Allows for easy maneuvering of the swamp cooler
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Port-A-Cool CORD-WRAP-KIT Cord Wrap Kit
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