Are you looking for PortACool CASTERKIT02 PortACool Caster Kit Adds Portability to Your Unit cheapest ?.
PortACool CASTERKIT02 PortACool Caster Kit Adds Portability to Your Unit
All Terrain Caster Kit, Size 6 In.Material Rubber, For Use With JS1600, 16 In. VT and 48, 36 and 24 In. Port-A-Cool ModelsIncludes (4) Heavy Duty Pneumatic Casters Portable Evaporative Cooling FansTemp. drop: 15 to 25 F Environmentally friendly; use tap water and require no chemicals Nonmisting output does not wet surfaces or promote rust
see detail PortACool CASTERKIT02 PortACool Caster Kit Adds Portability to Your Unit
- 6" Heavy Duty
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PortACool CASTERKIT02 PortACool Caster Kit Adds Portability to Your Unit
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